Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Pros And Cons Of The Use Of Cell Phones While Driving
It is known that the use of cell phones, specifically handheld use such as texting, while driving decreases driver awareness and the overall safety of roads. In response to this knowledge, some states have passed laws that have outlawed the use of handheld devices, and while there should be laws that definitively outlaw handheld usage, is there enough empirical evidence to outlaw hands free usage of cell phones? In other words, does hands free usage of cell phones, via bluetooth, speakerphone, etc., distract drivers enough to the point where states should legally ban the total use cell phones while driving? The following will introduce arguments for both sides of this topic, one for hands free cell phone usage and the other against cell†¦show more content†¦Additionally, the cell phone group rated themselves worse in driving performance before and after the simulator. This indicates that driver performance is impaired by cell phone use and drivers generally know their drivin g is worse when using cell phones. Other evidence against hands free cell phone use while driving is simply that talking on hands free devices is just as bad as talking on handheld devices in relation to driver performance (Ishigami Klein, 2009). To determine this, Ishigami and Klein (2007) reviewed the results of several separate studies that investigated the impacts of handheld and hands free cell phone usage on the detection reaction times of drivers. These studies were: Abdel-Aty (2003), Burns et al. (2002), Consiglio et al. (2003), Haigney et al. (2000), McEvoy et al. (2005), Patten et al. (2004), Redelmeier and Tibshirani (1997), Strayer and Johnson (2001), Strayer, Drews, and Crouch (2006), and Tà ¶rnros and Boiling (2005, 2006). Consiglio et al. studied the effects of auditory distractions, such as cell phone, by measuring the reaction time of participants using a non-driving, braking task where participants released an accelerator and applied the brakes if a red light we re shown. The control group performed the task without auditory stimulation. Strayer and Johnson (2001) examined the effects of phone conversation onShow MoreRelatedCell Phones for Young People Useful or Distracting?1031 Words  | 5 Pages There has always been controversy as to whether texting and cell phone use can cause young people to be less likely to be able to concentrate and focus. As young citizens we have the right to be able to own a cell phone and not be criticized using it for educational reasons. 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