Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The French Revolution - 2622 Words
Throughout the 18th century, France had a plethora of problems, all of which stemmed from the formation of the estates. The Third Estate was populated with middle class and the lesser. These citizens were heavily taxed, alienated of food supply, and dealt directly with fixed controlled prices. All of this coupled with economic depression from ongoing wars and lavishness by the Royal Family resulted in several movements that lead to the enlightenment, which ultimately spurred the revolution. It is crucial to know what the Third Estate consisted of in order for one to truly comprehend the hardships for which the citizens faced. The people of the Third Estate made up the middle class down through the Sans-Culottes. Most of these†¦show more content†¦The lack of food and government intervention hurt overall morale of the citizens. As a result of isolation, food riots struck and citizens began racketeering. Subsequently, landlords instituted Feudal Reaction, which allowed them to enforce old laws and regulations in attempts to obtain more from their peasants. The economy took a direct hit, forcing the nobility to set a price caps on necessities such as food, water, and salt. From 1756 to 1763, France fought against Britain in the Seven Years war, which marks the beginning of the downward spiral of the French Monarchy, as well as causes for taxation skyrocketing. Concluding Britain’s victory, France was forced out of North America, leaving Britain in control of the New World. This defeat costs millions of capital, the military’s prestigious tittle, and left French society questioning their military. Hundreds of thousands of men returned from the war to find themselves unemployed and in an economic crisis. Furthering the economic downturn, King Louis XVI continued to compete with Great Britain’s military technology, costing the Monarchy significant capital. King Louis XVI also played a vast role in enhancing the economic turmoil in France. Becoming king in 1775, Louis never initially had the respect of the people and not many showed for his coronation. He was left with difficulties from his father and prior engagements; however, King Louis XVI did not like to speakShow MoreRelatedThe French Revolution And French Revolutions2006 Words  | 9 PagesAlthough the American and French revolutions both took place in the late 18th century, both fought for independence, and both portrayed patriotism, the revolutions are markedly different in their origins; one which led to the world’s longest lasting democracy and the other to a Napoleonic Dictatorship. Political revolutions in America and France happened because people felt dissatisfied with the way their country was run. 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The surge of rebellion present in those against the old regime, or Ancien Rà ©gime, inspired reformers for generations to come. Nevertheless, the French Revolution would not have occurred without the aid of the Enlightenment Thinkers, or Philosophà ©s. These Philosophà ©s’ ideas sparked the French Revolution. Prior to the French Revolution, France was radically different. It was theRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1336 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis The French Revolution was such an important time history. Not only was it a massacre with many lives being lost, including that of Queen Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis XVI, it was also a time of great political turmoil which would turn man against man that being the case of Edmond Burke and Thomas Paine. Edmond Burke a traditionalist who believed the people should be loyal to the king against his former friend, Thomas Paine a free thinker who believed in order for things toRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1223 Words  | 5 Pages French Revolution As the Enlightenment began in the middle of the 17th century, people began to use reason rather than stick to tradition. New Enlightenment ideas spread throughout Europe such as ideas on government. Enlightenment thinkers such as Rousenan believed that the best government was one formed with the general consent of the people. Other Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and Montesquieu believed in freedom of speech and a separation of power within the government. All of theseRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1221 Words  | 5 PagesWhen people think of the French Revolution, they immediately think of the country of France and how the Revolution affected it. What most people do not think about however, is how the Revolution affected other countries, specifically the country of England. England was affected positively and negatively by the Revolution in that there was an increase of political involvement, but there was a collapse in the economy due to war declared by France. The French Revolution created a battle of conflictingRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1180 Words  | 5 PagesLooking at the historical timeline, one can see that the French Revolution derived after the Enlightenment, which brought different ways of thinking, and different outlooks on government and society (553),(555),(558). The Enlightenment also changed the world of public debate, and established some ideas central to the French Revolution. The French Revolution of 1789 occurred due to government debt, class conflict, bankruptcy, the Enlightenment, and the rule of absolutism. 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